Keying Duplicate Check Registry entry
Specifies which Duplicate Check Registry entry is used to check for duplicates as a record is being keyed.

The Duplicate Check Registry entry defines a list of fields to use for duplicate checking and creates the Duplicate Check menu item. One or many entries may be defined and accessed at any time from the Duplicate Check menu. The Keying Duplicate Check Registry entry specifies which one of these Duplicate Checks is used by default as a record is being keyed by an operator.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:
Key | User | Group |
Key 1 | User | Group |
Key 2 | user | group |
Key 3 | Table | |
Key 4 | table | |
Key 5 | Keying Duplicate Check | |
Value | Duplicate Check Name |

User | user | Table | table | Keying Duplicate Check | Duplicate Check Name |
Group | group | Table | table | Keying Duplicate Check | Duplicate Check Name |
Duplicate Check Name | is a descriptive label for a duplicate check defined in a Duplicate Check Registry entry (Key 6). |
This Duplicate Check Registry entry defines a duplicate check that will be available as a Duplicate Check menu entry:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | ebirths |
Key 5 | Duplicate Check |
Key 6 | Mother's Name, Child Gender and Date of Birth |
Value | MotherFirstName;MotherSurname;ChildGender;ChildDateOfBirth:Month |
The following Keying Duplicate Check Registry entry specifies that this Duplicate Check entry will be used by default when a record is being keyed in the Births module:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | ebirths |
Key 5 | Keying Duplicate Check |
Value | Mother's Name, Child Gender and Date of Birth |